Those TV commercials featuring happy customers who saved money and got low cost auto insurance aren’t just hype. After many years of rate increases and premiums, the cost of auto insurance is finally starting to come down. But auto insurance companies are still choosy about who can get a break on their insurance costs.
It is wise to start with your current auto insurance company to make sure you’re paying as little as possible for your premium.
The next step is to consider other ways to get low cost auto insurance and the discounts you can take advantage of.
Effective Ways To Get Low Cost Auto Insurance* Buy A Safer Vehicle. Premiums for collision and comprehensive coverage depend on accident and theft claims and the costs of repairing your vehicle. The more expensive the vehicle, the more you will pay. Buying a safer car can help you get low cost auto insurance. Simply look into vehicle ratings. Auto manufacturers have 1 to 5 star government crash test ratings. A 5 star crash test rating is the best a vehicle can get.
- Work On Your Credit Score. The better your credit, the higher your insurance score. This score is a slightly modified version of your credit score that insures use to help set rates.
- Combine Auto And Homeowners Insurance. You can shop for both as a package, and you can typically save up to 10 % on each. You can also add an umbrella liability, or a life or health insurance policy and get an even better price break.
- Clean Up Your Driving Record. Three years without a ticket or accident are usually enough to qualify you for low cost auto insurance premiums that are available.
- Drop Collision And Comprehensive On An Older Vehicle. You can reduce your premium by at least 1/3rd. Raising your deductible from $400 to $1,200 on most vehicles can save you as much as 40%. This is a very effective way to get low cost auto insurance.
- Ask For Discounts. Getting a 10% discount on a multicar discount may be automatic, but many other price breaks aren’t always as obvious. If you drive fewer than 7,500 miles a year, you can usually get you a 5% to 10% discount. You can get a lower premium if your vehicle has anti-theft devices and you may pay less if you have safety features such as ABS brakes and automatic seatbelts. Your type of occupation can also get you a low cost auto insurance policy discount up to 10%. Taking a safe drivers class can help you get a discount, but it has to be voluntary and not because of a traffic violation.
You can get low cost auto insurance with a little time and research into the many aspects that effect the cost of your insurance premiums. It's best to get several auto insurance quotes online, so you can easily compare the best rates and plans.